Complete the Census

This research is a nationwide census examining the characteristics, experiences and attitudes of people working in UK universities who are engaged with education research and/or scholarship. It is funded by the British Educational Research Association (BERA) and forms part of a wider body of work designed to map the current State of the Discipline across the UK.

We would like to hear from you if meet both criteria below:

  • You engage in any form of education research and/or scholarship.
  • You are a paid employee of an HE institution in the UK
    (on any contractual basis, inc. part-time, fixed-term, and teaching-only contracts).

Or you can complete the survey on your mobile by scanning this QR code:

Thank you for completing this census.

Further info

We provide full details of the survey aims and information about confidentiality, data use and consent on the first page of the survey.

You will also find more information about the project on this web page, including information and news about the project, the team and advisory group.